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Who supplies the information that updates the database
It is a mixture of hauliers and members who supply the update information at present it is just about 50:50
If I join will my credit card automatically be debited in 12 months time
Most certainly not . Within 28 days of your membership expiring you will be sent an email inviting you to renew your membership. Under no circumstances will we charge your card again, you will always be in control of deciding to renew or not.
If I joined and gave credit card details over the net is it safe
We use the services of an online card verification company that uses 128 bit encryption that ensures that your card details are safe through our HTTPS// server. We never receive your card details at any stage and WE WILL NEVER ASK FOR YOUR CARD PIN NUMBER
Are my sightings safe
The entire Lorryspotting database is backed up every night to two separate remote locations to ensure that your information is kept safe. All information is encrypted before it is backed up, so there is no way anyone can access your personal information.
£46 is a lot of money why so expensive
The cost to each member on a weekly basis is 85p which as hobbies go is relatively very cheap indeed. The database and site are not home made and they have been put together by arguably one of the best web design teams in the UK who have vast experience in running large database driven sites.
Why do Eddie Stobart vehicles have F H and M prefixes to fleet numbers
F specifies a rigid vehicle
H specifies a tractor unit
M specifies a drawbar
Can I pay by cheque
Yes you can make cheques payable to "Lorryspotting" and send them to
Unit 14 Lodge Way
IP24 1HE
Do you have hauliers contact details listed
No is the simple answer. We keep our own database of contact details which we do not divulge to members or third parties.
Was Eddie Stobart funded by the church to start with
Utter rubbish urban myth. Eddie Stobart Snr donated substantial money to a local Cumbrian church when he retired not the other way around.
Who owns and runs the site
The site is owned by a UK based Investment company who acquired the site from John Martin who founded the company in March 1997.He is seen here completing the Big Boys paddle from Saunton to Croyde in June 2007. Photo courtesy of and copyrighted to Verity Martin (Daughter) who takes a better photograph than her Dad ever did and almost certainly surfs better than him as well.
If I join and then don't renew are my spots lost forever
No once you log spots against a specific account number your record is kept on the database so if you decide to renew at a later date all of your original spots will be there
How long does it take to join
Unlike other sites we have our own online credit card authorisation facility which means joining takes about 2 minutes on average, none of this we'll get back to you in 28 days.
Do you list vans
No let's not go there
Do I have to supply information or photos
It would be great if you could but if you do not feel inclined then that is fine also
What is the difference between £28 membership and £46
For standard members at £28 it allows you to access the database and view the photos that are on the site. Enhanced membership at £46 allows you to access the database plus
Maintain a log of your personal spots Access the forum View the "Top Spotters" league table Download the monthly journal
How do I perform a search of the database
Each member has a unique user number against which all of that individuals spots are logged. Once you have entered your user number and password on the homepage you will enter the member’s only section of the site. If you then click on search you will be presented with a screen like the one below . Simply select either the fleet you specifically want to have a look at by using the drop down boxes for the four choices of fleets, or click on the Search All Fleets link. 
If you decided to do a search of the Eddie Stobart fleet you will then be presented with a page like the one below . You can then use each of the search criteria to narrow your search to provide you with the exact details you require. Once you have made your set your search criteria then it is a case of deciding how you want your results page to look, do you want the results shown in order of registration year, fleet number, make, or base. You then simply press submit.  If you wanted to perform a search for Eddie Stobart vehicles, and you were looking for details of all Scanias that were based at Bridgwater, and that you have not already spotted, your search criteria would look like this.  After you have pressed submit you will see a screen like the one below . These images were taken from my account so the database is showing that there is one vehicle which meets my search criteria.
What is the definition of an ‘Own Account Operator’?
Goods carried must be the property of the business, or must have been bought, sold, let out on hire, hired, extracted, produced, processed or repaired by the business
The purpose of the journey must be to carry the goods to or from the business or to move them, either within the business or outside, for its own needs
Motor vehicles used for such carriage, must be driven by employees of the business
Vehicles carrying the goods must be owned by the business or have been bought by it on deferred terms, or hired, providing that the conditions of the appropriate Council Directive have been met. (This does not apply to the use of replacement vehicles following breakdown of vehicles normally used)
Haulage must not be the major activity of the business